Tuesday, July 8, 2014

A Writer's Style?

I'm thinking, hair pulled back, yoga pants, T-shirt, laptop, cup o' tea or coffee, in front of a big window, watching the story playing out in her mind. Wow is that cliche, or what?
Well, that's pretty close to my style, and I kinda like it. It works for me.  But, as a writer, I'm almost clueless when it comes to my style. I'm a newbie. I am new to the world of writers and writing. I was never much of a writer when I was young, like many writers were. I took the minimum amount of English courses in college. I never kept a diary or a journal. And, up until my children got older, I wasn't much of a reader. I was, however, a daydreamer. I've been making up stories in my head for as long as I can remember. I have spent quit a bit of time in trouble for daydreaming when I should have been doing something else.
So, how am I supposed to know what my writing style is, when I've had very little practice. And, that practice was about fifteen years ago. Am I a plotter or a pantser? Should I outline everything about my plot or just fly by the seat of my pants?
Well, I'd read. And, then I read some more. And, I still read about writing. I have been studying the writer's craft for several years now. I've found that many authors have chosen a side, they know what works best for them. Some might plot for one story and let it fly for the next. Even more seem to be somewhere in the middle of the road, plotting parts then letting the story coalesce around them. It's a highly debated issue in some circles, as well. So, how do I know what my style is?
Well, this is the plan. I'll write. Write a lot. Practice makes perfect, right? Within all that writing I should be able to gather, at least, half a clue as to where my comfort zone is. From there I'm pretty sure I'll need to try a little of both, try the pants thing and then the the plotting. I'll keep reading, and learning from others. The one thing that matters most is, whatever works best for me. I can't forget it.
Although, I don't think I'll ever have one of those epiphany moments when I look at my clutter and go, "Oh my god, this is my style." I do believe that with time, a little trial and error, and a lot of love for the stories I want to bring into the world, I'll find the style that works best for me and it will be mine.  

Sunday, June 22, 2014

About my previous post...

I previously posted my opinion on opinion.

I did this as a reminder to my self. To remember that what I think is mostly based on my own opinions. That not everyone thinks the same as I do. But, at the same time to let whoever reads this know that I am writing on this blog, from my point of view, and from my opinions alone.

I am making changes in my life, and working on moving myself in the direction I choose. One of the things I am working on is my irrational fear of putting my words out there for the world to see. So this blog is my first tiny step in that direction. A step that will help me to learn that acceptance and rejection are based on opinions. I don't need to fear them, only accept that other peoples opinions are their own and I don't have to feel hurt by them. I can let it roll off my back and keep moving forward.
More often than not, the things I write, here, are going to be whatever thoughts I can't get out of my mind. I want to try to include little reviews of books I've read and enjoyed, my progress on things that I am working on, and of course my opinions (may be rants), but, I'll try to make sure my rants are few and far between. I know focusing on the negative isn't going to make anything better. So I'll try to stay focused on the good stuff.

Friday, June 20, 2014

You know what they say about opinions...

This is a portion of what  thefreedictionary.com has to say about the word Opinion:

1. a belief or judgment based on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty.
2. a personal view, attitude, or appraisal.
3. the formal expression of a professional judgment: a second medical opinion.
4. the formal statement by a judge or court of the principles used in reaching a decision on a case.
5. a judgment or estimate of a person or thing with respect to character, merit, etc.
6. a favorable estimate; esteem.

Synonyms: opinion, view, sentiment, feeling, belief, conviction, persuasion
These nouns signify something a person believes or accepts as being sound or true.

With this understanding, isn't it safe to say that in our daily discussions, how we respond and/or react, is deeply based on our personal opinions of the subject being discussed. And, if our opinions are something we believe or accept as being sound or true, then it would be easy to conclude that our opinions are right and/or good. 

This is what I think: 
In our day to day conversations opinions dominate our point of view on a subject. Now if you're a scientist of some sort many of your conversations may be grounded strictly in factual data and knowledge, but even the sciences allow for theory (which is not much more than an opinion that is almost provable and widely accepted). But for the most part, we talk about life and what we think of it, whether it's our own or someone else's. 
When we talk we don't often think, or even say "oh well this is just my opinion". We simply state what's on our minds, and more than likely feel that what we are saying is true or right or good. Whether those we are conversing with are of the same opinion or not.
So then, if we feel or think or believe that what we are saying is true, what we believe is right, then it must be good. Good for all. 
Here is where the path forks. Do we follow the path that grants us the title "Opinionated Asshole" forcing our "truths" (opinions in disguise) or the path which labels us "Doormat" so far beyond dispassionate that we're presumed gullible. Or maybe we could follow a middle path which could takes us somewhere into the realm of the "Understanding Soul" or the "Open-minded Supporter" or the "Dispassionate Listener". Maybe with different people or conversations we choose a different path. Maybe we try to walk somewhere between the paths. Whichever path we take, it is individual, personal. We walk it because of who we are, what we believe, what we have experienced and all those damned opinions. 
I think that we, too often, forget that what we think and feel and believe is all our own. It is individual, personal. No other being can truly or completely think, feel, or believe as any other does. Our perceptions of everything that we have experienced in our lives are ours alone. No other individual will experience anything exactly as any other. It's what makes us all such unique individuals. 
We all know how difficult it can be to talk with someone who is so set on their beliefs that they feel that you should believe the same. Or how unwavering, someone who is so excited by their new revelation in life that everyone needs to try it, do it, see it, or be it, too. Or, maybe your on the other side of it and you just can't take another one of your peers assuming that they're right, when what they are spouting is purely opinion. We can fight, argue, quote from wherever it is we have gathered our "facts" on the subject, but all of that energy will likely be wasted, because it is opinion. It is individual, personal. More likely than not, their opinion won't change.
Take a breath, a moment to think. We can and will do what we choose, regardless of other's opinions. If we choose to take another individuals opinions in to account, it is our personal choice. We do not need to feel guilt or shame for having a different opinion than others. And, there's no need to make others feel bad or wrong or less than for their different opinions. (Although, it occurs to me that maybe we feel these things, guilt, shame, wrongness, because we are lacking a true conviction to our own opinion or belief.)
Accept. Accept that you are probably not going to change a lot of mind to agree with yours. So there's no reason to push or force. Accept that what is right for you may not be right for anyone else. And, feel confident that you are going to do what is good and right for yourself, and that is all that matters. So it's more than fine to let all those outside opinions roll right off your back with no hard feelings.
Opinion. It's yours and yours alone. And more often than not, no one wants to take it from you.